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The System is designed to take basic common system building blocks and available compliant services, devices, and applications, to be able to configure them into a wide variety of different end-user Use Cases.


Basically everything is an object with defined interfaces and behaviors that can be linked to each other creating many different configurable end-user systems. This is primarily possible through the emergence of several Disruptive Technologies  < Read more about Disruptive Technologies>. With a little glue and standards, these small but powerful multi-purpose components can be used for a lot of different end-user applications, almost anywhere.


It is envisioned that some of these turnkey “System in a Box” solutions will be created as part of the Innovation Center <Read more about  the Vision and Innovation Center>, while others will be created through integrators. The Systems leverage off of common development, documentation, training, interoperability, features, and support to bring down development and support costs, while driving higher production volumes and a lower total cost of ownership.


There are many different Use Cases, and the following

list provides some of the highlights for different end-users,

and some of the components and features that are

envisioned for them. As with other sections off this

web site, there are additional details available in different

PowerPoint presentations.


End-User System Use Cases

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