This site represents a Technology Based Initiative to create a Worldwide Market-Driven Affordable Whole Healthcare System and is seeking forward thinking and innovative companies, organizations, Universities, and individuals to participate and lead in the Vision, Standards, and the Development of the System... Check back for updates (lots more data to input). Site History
There are many devices that could be incorporated into the System. They basically fall into six basic categories, and many fit into more than one category:
PCs/Tablets, and Smartphones
Health and Exercise
Legacy Gateways
It is envisioned that by developing common standards, features, tools, methods, and framework... Specialty Devices or Applications on Multi-Purpose Devices can be designed, developed, and test in less time, while creating products with fewer bugs, better support, and lower cost of ownership.
Sample Devices & Applications
Sample Information Services
Personal Services are often thought of as taking care of the elderly and limited to things like food, cleaning, and in-home care.
For true Whole Health, individuals have many needs that can range from having their pet groomed, to having an emergency cleanup, to have tech support, to plumbing, to call center monitoring, to legal assistance.
Personal Services were originally envisioned for individuals that were confined to their residences (and/or limited outside access), but there is no reason this cannot be used by anyone as a service.
The System is envisioned to support almost all services that a person could need that could be ordered, arranged, or handled over the internet and/or a smartphone/tablet application.
There are many existing rating and recommendation sites for services, and there are many mobile apps for securing services, and it is planned that they will be part of the solution.
The System expands these concepts to include several features:
Expanded categories of services
Rated services, with preferred providers
Pre-approved agreements and payment terms
3rd party approval (insurance and/or guardian) prior to service
Dispatch and Personal Service Provider Apps to support online ordering with scheduling, dispatch, conformation, verification, report on individual, and escalation as needed
Included instructions, and Localization (native language) and Translation Services to assist providers and consumers in communicating
The System is envisioned to support a wide variety of Information Services that a Person would need during their lifetime.
Many of these information services already exist, and the focus would be on providing the interfaces or links focused on the persons needs with a single sponsored link, and then links to additional and related information if they want it. This can be visual as well as verbal.
Some sample Information Services examples:
Information about Medical Conditions
Information about potential Treatments
Information about available Personal Services
Information about expected changes in your life at certain ages
Information about symptoms that you have
Information about Low Cost or Free Services you might be entitled to
“Show me How” Feature to assist people with forms and getting services
Answers about Insurance, Wills, Trusts, Medicare...
Trained and untrained First Aid
Disaster and Service Outage Information
Leveraging off of companies that provide some of the medical information services can also be valuable in the creation of “Intelligent Adaptive Medical Examination and Treatment Decision Trees” and doing image and symptom analysis and recommendation.
Sample Personal Services
The System provides a number of Features and Apps to provide Whole Healthcare, including some APPs that might not traditionally be considered Whole Health, but they are truly Whole Health related based on different situations and cycles in our lives.
The features and Apps support many of our medical, information, and service needs. They range from providing critical information if you are injured or lost, living alone, any required special help, being helped in a disaster or outage, and assisting you with information, personal services, and medical assistance… Plus a lot more.
<Read more about System Features>
APPs and Features
Market Applications
The System supports a wide number of end-users, including almost everyone in the world.
In addition to supporting individuals directly, The System supports Doctors, Hospitals, Rural/Urban/Relief Fixed and Mobile Clinics, Call Centers, 1st Responders, Nursing Homes, Retirement Homes/Communities, Assisted Living Centers, Disaster and Humanitarian Relief, Insurance Companies, Personal Services Providers, Social Advocacy Groups, and may more with plug and play prepackaged systems, interface hooks, productivity, analysis, information, and baseline tools.
The system also provides a wide variety of support and tools for HW, SW, and Services developers, integrators, and support groups for the System.
The system is made up of interoperabable modular components, that can be configured in many different ways, to suport many different needs.
Examples of some Market Applications include:
Individual Emergency and Safety
Private Residence
Assisted Living and Nursing Centers
Retirement Homes and Communities
Small Clinics
Mobile Clinics
Hospitals and Large Clinics
Doctor and Professional Offices
1st Responders and Public Safety
Emergency, Disaster, and Outage Relief
International Humanitarian Relief
Emergency Kits (Corporations, Transportation, and Public Areas)
Transitional Housing
Call Centers
End User Benifits
The System is not reinventing the wheel, but providing vision, tools, and “glue” to expand, innovate, and adapt technologies and applications to provide Affordable Whole Healthcare.
The Proposed System is based off of many existing and emerging everyday devices and applications that can be used as is, or modified to provide more integrated functionality. Other parts of the System are expansions of those technologies, or otherwise leverage off of them.
Some of the technologies that can be leveraged include:
PCs, Tablets, and Smartphones
Medical, Security, and Control Devices
Network Devices and Cloud Services
Identity and Information Services APPS
Information/Knowledge Services APPs
Personal Services APPs
Productivity and Scheduling Apps
Analysis and Alert APPS
Medical APPS
Whole Home APPs
Leveraging off of Existing Technologies
Wireless Whole Health Vision and Innovation Center
A key to the System is to define Standards for different features and interfaces. This allows the System to be able to configure the different elements into lower-cost integrated easy-to-use and support Systems.
Some of the Development benefits and goals of using Standards for the System include:
Development kits providing "out of the box" SW/HW for common features
Creation of features that are common across devices, to eliminate “reinventing the wheel” for design, development, approval, and support and let developers develop the actual feature
Common Documentation Elements (design, requirements, training, test, user manuals, etc.)
Lower development, marketing, and support costs
Faster time to market
Higher reliability/availability and volumes
Common interoperability and device/service/app testing
Additional Features to enhance the capabilities of the Product
Series of common Apps/Tools to enhance features and support
Off-the-Shelf Apps to support new and existing industries and providers
Support for Nationalization/Localization for native language capabilities (as well as cultural and regional differences)
Flexible to encourage and spark innovation
Some of the End-User Benefits include:
Common "look and feel" for ease of use
Common interfaces for "plug and play" operation
Remote monitoring and support
Lower total cost of ownership
Better Reliability and Availability
It is envisioned that there would be a Cross-Industry “Center for Innovation” to provide guidance and leverage off of common efforts and needs. In some cases, there are opportunities for new industries to be created. This goal is that the “Vision Center” can bring the necessary groups together to make this Initiative happen and encourage additional innovation and applications... all while having a profitable business model to support it.
The Vision Center could be run by one or a few different companies, but it would be best to have additional representations (at least input and buy-in) from several of the companies and industries that will be leveraged on and/or would be consumers of the System <read more about Public/Private Partnerships>
The Vision Center would Support the following Common Functions:
Joint Steering Committee
Joint Business Development, Lobbying, Marketing, and Cross Sales
Standards and Roadmaps
Development of Common Object Classes/Interfaces for tools, applications, and features
Interoperability Testing and Certification
Training, Demos, Conference, and Tradeshow support
Configurable “Systems-in-a-Box”
Product Support
<Read more about Wireless Whole Health Vision and Innovation Center>
Leveraging off of Common Standards and Development
There are many challenges facing Healthcare in the US, and worldwide.
Healthcare is not affordable to those in need
Healthcare is not available where and when it is needed
The main focus is on current issues and not Whole Health
There are shortages of Doctors and other Highly-Trained Health Professionals
There is a lack of sharing data across providers (and from individuals own devices)
There is a lack of baseline medical data for patients
There is a lack of safeguards, services, and devices to enable people to be independent
New and emerging technologies are not being used or leveraged off
There is a lack of safeguards and tools to reduce errors
There is a communication and cultural gap between providers and recipients
There is a lack audit capabilities for actions taken
There is a lack of ability for individuals to stay in their homes as long as possible
There is a lack of information required to help people in a Disaster or Outage Situation
And many other issues
There needs to be affordable Healthcare, a larger view of providing Whole Healthcare, and it all needs to be accessible to more people (rich or poor) in all stages of their lives.
Through existing and emerging commercially available technologies and products…This can be done, and bring Whole Healthcare with better capabilities, to a larger segment of the population at lower costs.
Wireless Healthcare System Overview
Public/Private Partnerships
The proposed System Reference Architecture is designed to create common interfaces and operational standards for devices, personal services, and applications to provide affordable and simple to use "Whole Healthcare".
The Common Reference Architecture and Standards provides a number of Common Design, Development, Test, Documentation, Interface, Interoperability, Functionality, Training, Marketing, and Support Capabilities. These common capabilities can be leveraged across new development to reduce costs, have a quicker time-to-market, and increase the capabilities and features of new products. For existing products there are capabilities to incorporate some of the features, or use SW/HW gateways to supply full or partial compliance with the System.
With the exception of some key “glue” components, the System is modular with each component able to be selected or rejected, defined, scaled, and has its own roadmap. Even the key “glue’ components, they can also be scaled and have their own roadmaps.
The System relies on common PCs, Tablets, and Smart Phones for most of the user interfaces, with a common look and feel, and incorporates a number of visual, audio, and wireless machine interfaces to help perform tasks, record data, and reduce mistakes. This reduces costs and training, and allows tasks to be performed by less skilled individuals.
System Packaging is also a key element. Since the different pieces are interoperable, they can be put in a wide number of marketable high-volume packages to support many different end-user applications. This also makes it future proof, where new applications, services, and devices that follow the standard, can be added or replace an item in the System.
The proposed System involves a wide number of applications, industries, and organizations. The System is standards based and modular, allowing many groups to participate in the definition, development, and support of the overall System.
There are several different reasons for creating Public/Private Partnerships <read more about the Vision Center> to define, develop, market, and support the System. It is not required, but would help with the design, development, launch, and support of the System.
Get cross industry and company buy-in
Get the knowledge, expertise, and requirements for all of the players
Leverage off of common needs and goals
More resources to design, develop, launch, and support the System
Public and Private Partnerships could include:
Medical, Security, Fitness, and Control Device Companies
Hospitals, Clinics, and Doctors
Healthcare Networks
Information and Transaction Providers
Personal Services Providers and Cross Services Dispatch
PC/Tablet/Smartphone Providers
Government and Government Agencies
Cloud Data Storage and Processing Providers
National and International Universities
Insurance Companies
Social Advocacy Groups
CDC and WHO Health Organizations
Call Centers
Retirement, Assisted Living, and Nursing Facilities
Integration Companies
Application Developers
Technical Maintenance and Support Companies
Wireless Healthcare Reference Architecture
High Level System Overview
Wireless Healthcare System Overview
Wireless Healthcare Reference Architecture
Public/Private Partnerships
Leveraging off of Existing Technologies
Leveraging off of Common Standards and Development
Wireless Whole Health and Innovation Center
APPs and Features
End User Benefits
Market Applications
Sample Devices and APPs
Sample Personal Services
Sample Information Services