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The System creates a unique opportunity for a wide variety of Maintenance and Support Companies to become involved in supporting products that have been traditionally supported directly by manufacturers, and/or piecemeal through many different user and system interfaces. This is expensive, inefficient, and leads to lower availability of the equipment and the systems.


The System tackles these issues in a number of different ways.  

  • The System provides the Product Development companies with a common set of Object Interfaces and Methods to install, register, provision, monitor, troubleshoot, upgrade, and remote management of the products and the systems they are connected to

  • The System provides Applications for Maintenance and Support Companies to monitor and manage the products, get alerts for potential issues, and a wide variety of device data to isolate and track single or multiple device issues

  • The System provides “System in a Box”, as well as Reference Designs that are “plug and play” and have been pre integrated and tested in an Operability Lab

  • The System supports Localization, Nationalization, and Translation, providing worldwide volumes of products and support being able to be provided in many different supported languages

  • The System provides a front-end interface to troubleshoot any issues to the System or individual products, and is envisioned to be the clearing house for many potential System Issues

  • In addition to the Products having the same “Lock and Feel” and “Maintenance and Support Features”, the System Provides a suite of common and standard Documentation and Training capabilities for the end-user, integrators, and Maintenance and Support Companies


For a Development Company, this reduces a lot of the work in designing a product, and provides rich set of features to lower their costs for ongoing maintenance and support. It allows them to concentrate on issues specifically associated with their product, and not system or incompatibility issues. It provides the capability for them to collect and analyze reported events from their fielded devices for Product deficiencies and improvements. With larger volumes, product “event monitoring and analysis”, "plug and play" integration, common interfaces, and built in remote upgrades and maintenance; it can make sense for manufacturers to turn over the maintenance and support of the products to 3rd Party Companies.


For a 3rd Party Maintenance and Support Companies it allows them to support more products and different types of integrated systems. It requires less training for their support staff, and provides a number of features that improve efficiency in their processes (troubleshooting, maintenance renewals, alerts, scheduled activities, etc.), and it improves the availability of the systems they support.


For the Consumer (individual, institution, and/or organization), they can afford more features giving them better healthcare, independence, and safety. They have a simpler System to operate using standard PCs, Laptops, and/or Tablets. They have an option to have one company to deal with for all of their maintenance and support needs. The product, maintenance, and support costs would be lower, resulting in a lower total cost of ownership, which also increases the potential customers and deployments.

Maintenance and Support Companies

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