This site represents a Technology Based Initiative to create a Worldwide Market-Driven Affordable Whole Healthcare System and is seeking forward thinking and innovative companies, organizations, Universities, and individuals to participate and lead in the Vision, Standards, and the Development of the System... Check back for updates (lots more data to input). Site History
This section of the website is focusing on the Business Case/Charter aspects of the System as it relates to the different industries and organizations that would build, sell, integrate, support, and/or use the system. It hopefully provides some insights into the different Business Cases/Charters that come out of the System.
The overall System/Reference Architecture incorporates a wide variety of support and benefits to many different groups with very diverse needs, views, and concerns… there is not a really a single “In a Nutshell” description or Justification for the overall System that conveys its true benefits.
The System is Modular and “Standards Based” supporting many different features and roadmaps, which can be leveraged and developed across many different organizations, pieced together, and phased-in across many different Use-Cases. This also allows it to be future proof, allowing the different variants of the System to be able to add new devices and capabilities over time.
The System combines many different elements of Several Services and Technologies to create the Reference System.
Devices (Medical, Security, Control, Fitness, other)
Services (Personal Services, Information Services, Advocacy Services, Emergency Services, Friends and Family, Insurance, Government)
Healthcare (Health Professionals,
For each Group and End-User, the System looks very different, although it really is... all one System <Parable of the Elephant and the Blind Men>. This section of the Website looks at many of the different Charter/Business Cases for the different Development, Services, and larger End-Users.
System Business Cases/Charters for Industries, Companies, Organizations, and Governments
The overall size of the opportunity is enormous, with more healthcare and Whole Health services being needed across the world <Read more about Costs and Opportunities>. The opportunities hit many different areas and industries.The rest of this section will cover some of the different Business Cases/Charters for Industries, Companies, Organizations, and Governments. Exact cost benefits are difficult to predict at this point, since they are dependent on future decisions on features and acceptance of the standards and common features.
Charters/Business Cases
Main System <Main System Business Case/Charter>
Vision Center <Vision Canter Business Case/Charter>
Devices < Device Developer Business Case/Charter >
Security & Control
Device & Treatment Trials
Emergency Vehicles
Hospitals /Clinics <Hospital & Clinic Business Case/Charter >
Retirement, Assisted Living, Nursing
University <University Bussiness Case/Charter>
Personal Services
Call Center
Advocacy Groups
Disaster & Humanitarian Relief