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How does this System really make Whole Healthcare Affordable?

There are many different features of the System that bring down the cost of Whole Healthcare.

  • Shifts work from highly skilled professionals (e.g. Doctors and RN) to Technology and less skilled personnel (while dealing with shortages of Healthcare Professionals, reducing errors, increasing capabilities, and bringing healthcare closer to populations)

  • Process Improvements (improves efficiencies, verification of treatments, escalations and follow-ups through Role Based Scheduling.

  • Provides common Interfaces, methods, tools, documentation, training, testing, marketing, and business development  to bring down the development, support, and Total Cost of Ownership

  • Increases product (manufacturing)and service (clients per day) volumes to help reduce costs

  • Embraces technology to reduce costs of Services and new multiuse devices

  • Common System-in-a-Box, with plug-and-play devices/services/APPs with common a look-and-feel, that are managed and viewed through common devices (Tablets, Smartphones, and PCs) to reduce training, specialized integrations, and mistakes

What about Personal Privacy?


There is a lot of data and each type is carefully identified and provided to authorized individuals and organizations. The data is located in a variety of locations based on the owner of the data and HIPAA requirements, and in many cases can leverage off of commercially available HIPAA clouds. Some sample data (see Data Services under the APPs and Features Tab for a more complete list):

  • Public information to share with anyone (for emergencies)

  • Private information only for the Individual (or authorized guardian/administrator)

  • Shared Private information that is shared with your Primary Care Network (and potentially trusted Family/Guardian)

  • Sanitized data that is used for determining general health issues across different demographics and regions (as well as medical research and certification)

How do I (or my Company) Get Involved? 


Right now the goal is to find people and companies that would like to be involved, and what that involvement might be, including main hosting of the initiative. There are many different ways this initiative could be organized, funded, and rolled out. As this list builds, additional direction can be formed.




How can you use Lower Skilled Individuals to do Higher Skilled Tasks?

  • Using the experience of many Doctors in many different regions and specialties to create initial and intelligent adaptive examinations and testing

  • Using the experience of many Doctors in many different regions and specialties to create databases to help identify issues

  • Move as much of the testing, examinations, testing, and flagging of potential follow-up issues to technology

  • Step-by-step instructions (with help as needed) using Adaptive Intelligent Decision Trees to direct them in Examinations (and treatments), using a wide number of current and historical factors about the person and the region they live in (or have been to).

  • Interfaces for the practitioner in the individuals native language and culture

  • Full reports with general findings, instructions, and followups for patient, haelthcare provider, and primary doctor

  • Online practical aand situational training

  • Potential training and cross training of individuals for certain type of examinationss

  • Telemedicine Backup


Common FAQs 

How does the System actually save a Doctor’s time?


There are pluses and minuses to this aspect of the System. There are shortages of Doctors, so the system concentrates on making their time with, and away from, patients more efficient, and shifting some of the work to Technology and Medical Assistants. While their available time with patients should increase, so will their workload, so the time with each patient may decrease. This is better than is nothing is done, and provides Doctor access to more individuals in more locations.

  • Uses technology to automatically (or help) collect and verify data (and provided procedures for billing purposes) about individuals, making it faster to store and more accurate

  • Uses technology to provide analysis and cross analysis of baseline and historical data to provide simple to read charts and reports, as well as any items of interest (alsso helping to catch issues earlier with less visits)

  • Provides an Intelligent Adaptive Examination Decision Tree to assist Medical Assistants in being able to perform exams, and uses the collected data for initial evaluation to create reports and any items off interest

  • Reduces training and supervision of Medical Assistants, creating reports for outside groups (insurance), and billing issues.

  • Provides low cost Telemedicine to allow

    • Doctors to support more patients, where they need it, in Rural, Disaster, Humanitarian, Neighborhood, Mobile, Assisted Living, etc. environments (no travel, increased access, and lower costs).

    • Doctors to pool resources for peak times in hospitals and clinics

    • Doctors to perform remote pre/post-OP consultations and other virtual house calls

    • Doctors to volunteer in underserved areas worldwide

    • Doctors to be on-call outside of their office or home

    • Extends “Ask a Nurse” capabilities (with additional online data) to reduce Doctor Visits


Does the System really solve a problem, or is it a Product looking for a problem to justify it?


Hopefully by reviewing the other material on this site (as well as other available presentations), that the basis of the System is to solve current and evolving issues and inefficiencies in providing Whole Healthcare. It leverages off of a lot of different new and emerging technologies to solve these issues. The root drivers for this system include:

  • High Costs of Healthcare

  • Lack of Healthcare where it is needed most

  • Shortages of highly trained Healthcare professionals

  • Older populations that want (or need) to be able to live independently

  • Lack of the Healthcare Industry to universally embrace Disruptive Technologies that can expand Healthcare with more capabilities, to more people, in more places, for less cost


Why would a Developer or Development Company want to adapt to the System?


There are many advantages including;

  • There are a rich and beneficial set of features and services provided through the System, Standards and Conventions (development, test, deployment, maintenance, documentation, integration, training, maintenance, upgrades, trials, and support) allowing companies to save time, money, and focus on their product and service ideas

  • There is a joint Lobbying, Business Development, Marketing, and Sales organization to promote the System and the associated products and services

  • It opens new markets with higher volumes of products within and outside of the United States


The Initiative System seems overly ambitious and covers many different groups, how would it ever get developed?


It is not as "overly ambitious" as it looks. The System is based on standards and several basic HW/SW building blocks that can be configured to support a lot of different applications that can be phased in over time, or built in parallel across multiple groups.


Think of Smartphones and Tablets. These standards based devices provide basic capabilities (computing, storage, networking, audio, visual, etc.), plus some base applications and tools, which have been used by many different developers to create an amazing number of applications that are now indispensable in many different areas... many APPs that were never envisioned by the developers of the phones and tablets.


This is the same concept that is envisioned by the System/Initiative to extend the tools and APPs for Whole Healthcare, provide open tools to support more innovation, and leverage off other existing and emerging technologies. The site tries to show how this System can benefit many different groups, which is why it looks very large, but is based on a much smaller group of building blocks, configured in different ways.


The applications and services associated with this initiative are modular and can be phased in over time. They can be created by a single company, or involve multiple industries, organizations, and universities to build all or some of the System out. There are lots of pieces to go around.

Is there a Roadmap or 1st Steps?


There are roadmaps and 1st steps. Some of these are based on the core functionality that will be needed to be created and evolve overtime to support other features, while other parts can be added (or not) based on interest and their own feature rollout.


Part of the difficulty in creating an overall roadmap is trying to guess what industries, organizations, and governments would see as priorities. As far as the base core portion of the System to get it running and adopted… that is clearly understood and can be found under the GUI Demo tab.



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