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A Home/Residence configuration is an extension of the System Capabilities for the inside of your residence, which are in addition to what you get as just any old Individual.  Whether the person is living alone or with family/friends, there are additional configurable capabilities that can be incorporated into a home in the area of Medical, Security, Fitness, Environmental Control, and access to additional Personal Services. These capabilities provide additional Safety and Services for an individual, which allows them to stay at home if they require additional assistance or monitoring, or return to home from a medical facility.


The following are some sample System scenarios that are in addition to what you would use as any “individual” <Read more about Individual Use Case>:

  • You are able to take care of yourself, but one single injury or sickness in your home,  no one would know, or it might not be known for days

  • You would like to live at home but there are devices you need to monitor your condition and you  need support if they don’t work right

  • You don’t  feel as safe at home and you would like additional security

  • There are some things that you can no longer do around your house and you need periodic and as-needed trusted help in a number of areas

  • It would be good to have phone and periodic site checks on yourself, and follow-up if there is a possible issue

  • You can’t afford the minimum $$$/Hrs. for some services, but you would like to share a small number with others


The configurable additions to the System for a Home or Residence include:

  • Medical Devices (monitoring, telemedicine, analysis, alerts, and escalations)

  • Remote Call Center

  • Security and Safety Devices < 

  • Health and Fitness Devices

  • Environmental Control Devices

  • General Monitoring (temperature, movement, electronic fence)

  • Robotics (personal assistance, chores, companion, remote presence)

  • High Availability Options (battery, network, lighting, etc.)


System Components:

  • Smartphone, Tablet, and/or PC with downloaded APPs (and access to Cloud Data and Processing  through the APPs)

  • Printable or orderable stickers or wrist bands (only required for identity related APPs)

  • Any desired Medical, Security,  and/or Control Devices

  • Home Based Network Connection

  • Any desired Redundancy (lighting, power, batteries, network, main control)



  • Individuals without Smartphone, Tablet, and/or PC or capability to use one in this capacity, can be managed by a Guardian or Social Advocacy Group

  • The System provides common “Look and Feel” interfaces on Standard PCs, Smartphones, and Tablets, with online training, help, and instructions, with the devices supporting remote maintenance and support

Home Residence - Use Case

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